Monday, January 7, 2013

Protective Hairstyle: Flat twist Updo

So I called myself trying to do a protective up do for the winter months this look was inspired my the hairstyle I had done for the BB show back in September 2012

I wore the two strand twist up for a few days but ended up styling them as a twist out  for the most part! I really prefer the top parts of my hair to be out and the back to put up for the most part. I think I need work more on my parting as you can see from the back view it's no that great. since I've been wearing my hair in twist out lately I think i should give my hair break.
I want to start doing more styles like this every two weeks
just to retain length and keep my hair moisturized. I've noticed that my hair has gotten really dry and I've had to cut several inches of hair so I think styles like this will prevent this.

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