Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Make Up Forever HD Foundation in N175

I've been using the MUF HD foundation in N175 for nearly a year now and I honestly can say this foundation is my new favorite! Before I used Revlon colorstay foundation and yes I do believe that the two are comparable although MUF is pricier. Like the Revlon colorstay this foundation doesn't require a setting powder and last all day. My skin tends to get really oily through out the day so I  like to use liquid foundation with medium to heavy coverage. this one . I find that this foundation is easy to build up in coverage and is easier to blend than the older foundation.   

One thing that I love about this foundation is that it matches perfectly with my skin especially when
I'm filming or taking pictures it looks seamless. Anytime I wear this foundation people always assume that I don't have anything on because it looks so smooth and cake free. I only use about to 2-3 pumps of it and and my sigma duo fiber stippling brush and I effortlessly have flawless skin.
I've used the same foundation of the past year and I still have plenty of it left over so even though its costly Its worth the the price because it will last you for a  long time.

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